Since Windows automatically prioritizes the network adapter to use only one adapter at a time, you'll need to disable the packet priority option in the network adapter's network configuration. Doing so will allow Windows to use multiple connections simultaneously. This is how to configure Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections simultaneously … [Läs mer ...]
Clean Up Computer Cable Clutter
Cable clutter is one of technology's biggest annoyances. Here's how to organize and arrange the cables under your desk. Cable clutter is the scourge of the modern work desk. Sure, we are trying to go … [Läs mer...]
Dölja grannars trådlösa routrar
Windows visar synliga trådlösa nätverk i närheten [WLAN] Wireless Local Area Network. Trådbundna nätverk benämns LAN. WLAN går att dölja i Windows, inte viktigt men bekvämt. Att dölja grannars … [Läs mer...]