Ogooglebar It's a famous word but not liked by Google.. Google has asked the Language Council to remove the word ”ogooglebar” from his neologisms list. Read the article below.
Läjesbon Erik's words made Google see red
That Google has asked Language Council to remove the word ”ogooglebar” from his new order list has become a major news. But what most people may not know is that the word comes from an article in the New News, about a tip walk in Träslövsläge.
The 13 August 2012 wrote HN:s reporter an article about the tip walk Läjesgauet, where the answers could not be found on the Internet. Läjesbon Erik Olsson, in Träslövsläge IF which arranges gauet, is the one who used the word ”ogooglebar” and then was included in the article.
And certainly looks Erik Olsson as something of an author of a now controversial word.
–Yes, I have to do that because it refers to your article and it was directly my words that were used in the article. There are some awesome too because I am the first to have been removed from the Language Council glossary, it has never happened before.
The news has attracted attention worldwide, including the British Independent, AFP, India Times and the Washington Post / AP
Tell us about the background of the word arose
I wrote the first time 2010 in the invitation to Läjesgauet. During the first gauet the year before, my sister-in-law became angry at my brother who refused to cheat with the mobile phone. She thought we would do better questions that can not be googling and on the way it is, said Erik Olsson.
In December, it was clear that the Language Council took up the word in its new order list. Google objected to this, and a lawyer from the firm have now written to the Language Council. Language Council referred to that word has become established in the Swedish language, but it does not agree with Google on. In an email to the Language Council writes the ”However, the only reference to the basis for this conclusion is a note in Hallands Nyheter from 13 August 2012″.
What about this attention?
"I think it's great that it has spread abroad.. We are becoming international here, little Läjesgauet And the removal of the word is almost even more fun.. I googled ”mitt” word ”ogoogelbar” I saw it in English. ”ungoogleable”. As an English teacher, I think it's pretty cool.
A teacher from Läjet Against the giant Google – David's fight against Goliath?
Haha, yes it is the best I lay low so Google does not get wind of me.
But what do you think they are trying to take the word?
Language Council writes that they can not take the word, there are those who use it who are entitled to it. It's a bit silly to chase around half the globe for a word. Then, many of my age who say ”goggla”, maybe we should start using it instead.
Do you continue to use ogoogelbar after this?
- Yes, and, it's even more fun now. I just wrote it in this year's invitation to Läjesgauet And we use the word until someone stops us.. Then we switch to ogoggelbar!
On Tuesday became ogooglebar quickly one of the topics most discussed on Twitter, as well as language Council and Google. It was also raised in the radio.
Source: Halland news http://www.hn.se/nyheter/varberg/l%C3%A4jesbon-eriks-ord-fick-google-att-se-r%C3%B6tt-1.3103284