Russian A1 is ready to immediately submit a bid to buy 100 percent of Tele2 Russia 3,6-4 billions of dollars in cash and is interested and willing to agree on a price to buy the rest of Tele2 within short time.
It writes the A1 in a press release.
Tele2:s to sell the Russian business to the Russian bank VTB at an enterprise value of 3,55 billion dollars does not represent the best value for shareholders and below its market value, A1 considers.
A1, part of Alpha Group, had 2012 a series of meetings with shareholders in Kinnevik and Tele2:s management. Tele2:s advisor Morgan Stanley declined in October A1:s bid without reasonable explanation or discussion, according to the press release.
Kinnevik fully support the divestment of Tele2 Russia to the bank VTB presented on Wednesday and would not speculate on whether a higher bid from the Russian oligarch Mikhail Fridman, Alfa Group would be able to get the investment company to tear up the deal.
Kinnevik's head of IR Torun Litzén told The Associated Press on Thursday about the Russian group's interest in buying Tele2 Russia for a higher price than the one announced on Wednesday..
It's pure speculation., We fully support the business as Tele2 featured yesterday, says Torun Litzén the question whether it would be possible to unravel the deal.
In the press release from Alfa Group stands to A1, Group investment company, under 2012 has had several meetings with ”shareholders in Kinnevik and Tele2:s management” if the higher bid.
I have no comment on that., says Torun Litzén about whether such meetings have taken place.
Kinnevik would be interested in selling the rest of Tele2 to Alfa Group?
We don't comment on that kind of speculation either., said Torun Litzén.
Alpha Group was previously a major shareholder in the Russian media company CTC Media, where Kinnevik company MTG was and is a major shareholder.
"It was a well-functioning collaboration, says Torun Litzén on the previous business relationship, who stopped by Alfa Group sold its share in CTC 2011.