When you delete information from a hard drive, It's not gone, but, rather, is the index to this information which tells us that the hard drive could overwrite the old data. This is not possible with a SSD where an SSD can only write data to a clean block. It is like building a house where an old house used to stand. Trim is the command from the operating system to the SSD to clean free blocks of an SSD and make them ready for future storage.
Determine if the SSD handled correctly with TRIM, on, but it works?
To examine this ”garbage disposal” called ”Garbage Collection” [GC], one can describe it as the smallest element of a NAND flash-memory module is a bit. Two or more pieces are an amount of information that is contained in a cell. Cells make up the pages and can be found in the blocks. Garbage collection frees those chunks of memory for reuse and the only downside to this is that the GC can only delete all blocks at once, and cannot delete individual pages within the block.
Without TRIM, This would technically lead to a slow deterioration of performance and SSD would become fuller and fuller with data and GC would begin to struggle to keep up with. New tasks would be continuously written to memory at a faster rate than GC took place and a very high write-to-disk would occur.
A more comprehensive approach that basically created the ability to manage data deletions. More efficient handling of pages is equated with a more efficient handling of blocks. Writing is reduced, and a higher performance can be maintained for a longer period of time. Endurance and reliability be improved even when the TRIM is enabled and works.
There are several ways to determine if the TRIM is ”enabled” on SSD. You can use the command”fsutil
” to determine if the TRIM is enabled. Some SSD, such as Intel and Samsung SSD drives that come with their own Toolbox, a software that displays if TUNING is enabled or not. Freeware such as Crystaldiskinfo will show if the TRIM is enabled. But how do you really know about the TRIM does what it is supposed to do? How do you know that it actually does more than just turning on a flag that says it's ”enabled”?
The program ”TRIMcheck” is a free tool created by Vladimir Panteleev from Moldova and is acurrent github project .
Fsutil will tell you if the TRIM is enabled or not, but it will not tell me if it really works. TRIMcheck will check and verify if the TRIM is working or not.
The program does not have a GUI, It runs in a command window. You need to copy it on the SSD that you are testing and run it twice, wait for at least 30 seconds to a minute between runs to ensure accurate results. When it is run for the first time, the program will write to specific locations on the SSD. It will then delete the written data and exit. When you run it again a minute later, the program will try to read the exact same places.
When the TRIM work, you get the zeros on the sectors it wrote, plus a notification if TRIM works. If the data is still there, you will be notified that the TRIM is not working. If you get a negative result and fsutil says TUNING is enabled in all cases, try to wait 10 minutes or so before running a third time. This program is great for those cases where some software uses cheap solutions that cripple TRIM to ensure SSD compatibility. In such a case shows the fsutil to TRIM is enabled, whether it really works or not.
Test of commando fsutil
fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify
Reply be returned with:
= 1
[TRIM not enabled]= 0
[TRIM enabled]
As you can see from the next screenshot, indicates the Windows to TRIM is enabled = 0.
Test av TRIMcheck
Below I test running the program on a Samsung 830 series 128GB SSD to check if TRIM is actually operational …
In the command window, type the following string:
Download the program and save it to ssd to be tested. Start the program, Here we see the first screen. Press ENTER to test drive C:
The next slide shows the operations that TRIMcheck performs to initiate and carry out their testing processes. In the end, There is us: ”Test file created and removed and continuation tasks are stored. Do what needs to be done to enable the SSD trim function and run the program again. Usually, you only need to wait a bit (about 20 second). Sometimes, a reboot is necessary. Press ENTER to exit.
After waiting 45 second, run the program again. The final screen shows that based on TRIMcheck actual creation, placement, and deletion of data, and then a subsequent return visit of the exact memory addresses, the data had actually been removed. Trim is in operation on our Samsung 830 SSD.
Unlike the other methods to check if TRIM is enabled, TRIMcheck tests SSDs and then that TRIM really works properly.
Trim Check is a program that tests TRIM. Download the software and start the application from the respective SSD you want to test.