The technologies we don’t use any more
Nice post by By Jackson Chung on 10th October, 2013 | ROFL |
Over the years, the Internet and technology has brought many great benefits into our lives. Today, we no longer need to step out of our houses every morning to fetch the daily paper. We no longer need to visit the bank to find out how much money we have. We don’t even need to remember trivial information like phone numbers or how to spell properly. Technology does it all for us.
Here’s a list of 15 things and practises that no longer exist, or could be on the brink of extinction, thanks to the glory of the Internet.
What would you add to this list?
1. Public phones

Image credit: AcidFlask/flickr
2. CDs and cassettes

Image credit: Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos/flickr
3. The Rolodex

Image credit: TOKY Branding and Design/flickr
4. Encyclopedias

Image credit: jev55/flickr
5. Classified ads in newspapers

Image credit: engineroomblog/flickr
6. Disposable cameras

Image credit: Kai Schreiber/flickr
7. Yard sales

Image credit: Bradley Stemke/flickr
8. Lining up to pay bills

Image credit: Tamal Das/flickr
9. Planning road trips on paper maps

Image credit: Rui Pereira/flickr
10. Physical copies of the Yellow Pages

Image credit: Francis Mariani/flickr
11. Answering machines

Image credit: Scott Diedrick/flickr
12. Faxes

Image credit: Nathan Rein/flickr
13. Teletext

Image credit: Clive Darra/flickr
14. Buying or reading newspapers

Image credit: Jon S/flickr
15. PDAs

Image credit: Andy Melton/flickr